Co škodí vlasům při AGA? - Diskuze Více vlasů.cz

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Co škodí vlasům při AGA?

Autor Co škodí vlasům při AGA?
Chtěl bych problematiku uchopit z druhého konce a zaměřit se na prevenci. Přicházím proto s tématem, které se bude věnovat všem příčinám nadměrného vypadávání při jasně určené AGA. Byl bych rád, kdyby každý kdo k tématu má co říct (a má to nějak podloženo) přispěl. Bylo by vhodné uvádět zdroje literatury jako relevantní zdroj informací, ale není to podmínka nezbytně nutná.
1. stress

Stress reduction can be helpful in slowing hair loss. In 2011, US researchers from the University of California and the US Veterans Administration found that mice who had been genetically engineered to produce excessive levels of Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRF), lost hair from their backs. The high amounts of Corticotropin-releasing hormone created a chronic stress condition in the mice. After treatment with Astressin-B, a CRF blocker, the mice had regrown the hair they had lost, four months later.
2. inzulínová resistence

The previously proven association between androgenetic, alopecia and serious cardiovascular events raises a question of the common pathogenetic mechanism of these disorders. Our practice-based case-control study in men aged 19—50 years showed a strikingly increased risk of hyperinsulinaemia and insulin-resistance-associated disorders such as obesity, hypertension, and dislipidaemia in men with early onset of alopecia (<35), compared with age-matched controls. This finding supports the hypothesis that early androgenetic alopecia could be a clinical marker of insulin resistance. IIS0140-6736(00)02763-X/abstract

pozn. názory se liší
3. alkohol

BACKGROUND: Alcohol may have a cardioprotective effect. One possible mechanism is by reducing insulin resistance, a known cardiovascular risk factor. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between alcohol consumption, insulin resistance and other parameters determining glucose tolerance in 154 young men and women. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Subjects completed a questionnaire documenting weekly alcohol consumption. Insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance were measured using the intravenous glucose tolerance test with minimal model analysis. Height, weight, usual level of exercise, smoking habits and socio-economic status were also recorded. RESULTS: Insulin sensitivity correlated inversely with body mass index (r = - 0.529, P < 0.001) but not with level of physical fitness. Women were significantly less insulin sensitive than men (4.19 and 5.63 104 min-1 pmol-1 L-1, respectively; P < 0.001). Insulin sensitivity correlated positively with alcohol consumption and this trend remained significant allowing for body mass index and gender (beta = 0.17, P < 0.014). First-phase insulin secretion showed a weak but non-significant trend in the opposite direction. Fasting glucose, fasting insulin and glucose tolerance showed no relationships with alcohol consumption. CONCLUSION: These data suggest a close relationship between alcohol consumption and insulin resistance in young adults. Regular alcohol consumption is associated with decreased insulin resistance and this may partly explain the cardioprotective effect of alcohol
4. cigarety

Scientists in Taiwan recently completed a study involving 740 men who were suffering from premature hair loss or alopecia. Both smokers and non-smokers were enrolled in the study and the findings point to a significant correlation between moderate smoking and hair loss.

According to recent findings, men who smoke 20 or more cigarettes per day have a greater chance of developing baldness. These findings were determined after taking into consideration family history of baldness, general health, age, and other habits. ing.html
5 . ejakulace?[b][/b]

Over-masturbation or over-ejaculation converts too much testosterone into dihydrotestosterone(DHT). High levels of DHT overload the body causing baldness and possible prostate enlargement if blood circulation is poor in the prostate area. Reducing the frequency of masturbation or ejaculation will help maintain low levels of DHT and avoid hair loss.
6. silový tréning

In normal condition, weight-lifting helps in building of our muscles and keeping us fit. A regular weight lift may also increase free testosterone level and this excess causes various physiological changes in our body like receding hairline, balding in the crown or general baldness in male. In female, it results in general thinning of hair.

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7. znečištění

You might think that living in a busy city would be bad for your hair - and you'd be right - but in fact there can be risks no matter where you go. And whilst many known toxins affecting the hair are controlled substances in the UK, you may find yourself exposed to greater risks when you travel abroad, especially in heavily industrialised areas.

In cities, the number one factor affecting the hair is air pollution from traffic fumes. This is thought to interfere with the formation of the proteins that go into making hair, so that the hair is weaker and more likely to fall out. Studies also suggest that it can trigger the early onset of classic male pattern baldness.

In the countryside, links have been made between hair loss and exposure to organophosphate compounds used to control pests. This is a particularly significant problem for farmers who work with such compounds directly, but it may also affect other people living near fields where they are used s.html
8. nadměrná konzumace masa ?

"There are 2 main sources of testosterone: taking steroids (the kind bodybuilders take to gain muscle mass), and eating meat which is highly contaminated with hormone residues (all commercial meat). It only takes a minuscule trace of a hormone to have an action in the body; therefore, even residues left over from the hormones being fed to the animal are significant enough to cause a hormonal imbalance in the body. The remedy is to stop eating meat." (Source: Dr. Foster's website)
9. nedostatek pohybu

....krátké aerobní aktivity jsou doporučovány...
10. SLS (sodium laurent sulfate) a jeho deriváty

If you’re worried about going bald or thinning hair, SLS and other lauryl / laureth sulfates should be avoided. These sulfates are used in almost all of the shampoos that are commercially sold. It foams up quick and cleans fast but it’s also a very abrasive chemical that can cause damage over time. However, SLS free shampoo is available which doesn’t cause damage to the scalp. ir-loss
Acid jak urcime AGA krevnima testama na DHT nebo se to da urcit i jinak ..... muzu mit AGA i kdyz mam DHT pohode

Při AGA můžeš mít DHT i T naprosto v normě, rozhodující je citlivost folikul - zděděná.
Acid - a jak zjistim jestli mam citlivost folikul ..... ??? da se to zjisit treba na endokrologii ?? sem tam totiz na tento tyden objednan a a chci udelat testy na vsechny hormony , ale to mi asi neudelaj co ?? ted sem nasel na netu neco o tom vlasovy folikulu a ze sou napojeny z mazovymi zlazy tam by nekde mohl byt u mne problem kdyz sem mi nedela vubec maz a mam suchou pokozku ....
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Co škodí vlasům při AGA?

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