Copper peptidy - Diskuze Více vlasů.cz

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Copper peptidy

Autor Copper peptidy
Dead Kodet
Bere tu nekdo copper peptidy v nejake vyss koncentraci? (Ano jsou soucasti spectralu dnc, jenze imho v male koncentraci, takze tomiku tebe nepocitam).

Jestli ano, mate nejake vysledky?
Dead Kodet
copper= měď
peptidy = nevim
ucinek = souperi o zachyceni na receptoru
alebo nie?
A tim myslim, že měĎ souperi o zachyceni na receptoru s DHT, a lepší meĎ než DHT
alebo nie?
už nemam nervy na výzkumy:-)
Dead Kodet
nene, copper peptidy maji regenerativni ucinky, a protizanetlive a proti inflamacni.

v podstate pomahaji opravovat to co AGA zpusobila
Kde se to dá sehnat, či vůbec?
Dead Kodet
googluj tricomin
Kyž už je řeč o mědi, četl jsem, že zabírá pouze měď v chelátové podobě. Nevíte, kde se dá koupit samotná měď v chelátu???
Dead Kodet

zkousel jsem folligen i tricomin - tricomin je lepsi, ale docela drahej - podle me jsou copper peptidy ucinne, zvlast u toho procenta lido, u koho nefunguje blokace DHT

daj se udelat i home made, nekde jeste mam navod
Sem s ním :-)
Making Your Own Copper Peptide Hair Loss Treatment

First you should realize that a decent quality commercially made copper peptide treatment is relatively inexpensive. For most people it may not be worth the time, trouble and expense to make your own. You should also be aware that I have only experimented with the formula for a relatively short period of time. I also am not prepared to recommend suppliers for obtaining the the copper chloride. You will have to do a search for "copper chloride anhydrous II". The protein powder is relatiely easy to find. You can even purchase it at Walmart. You want to purchase a soy based protein powder.

Below are the ingredients you will need and the directions for making your own solution.

80 ml tap water (not distilled water but tap water).

We use tap water because it has a higher PH than distilled water and copper peptides are only formed if this higher PH is maintained. Drop the PH and you will destroy the copper peptides. Therefore I would not experiment by adding additional things to the solution that will lower the PH..

2.5 grams protein powder.

1.5 grams copper chloride anhydrous II.

70% ethyl alcohol.

Pour 80 mls of tap water into a bottle. Add 2.5 grams of protein powder then add 1.5 grams of copper chloride anhydrous II. Shake well for a minute or two. Then add 20ml’s of 70% ethyl alcohol. For those that feel they are sensitive to alcohol you can probably get by with adding only 10 mls of ethyl alcohol and 90 mls of tap water. The only draw back is that you will have to refrigerate the solution. If you are adding 20mls of ethyl alcohol the solution should last at least 3 months without refrigeration.

We must be careful of the strength we make our copper peptide solution. Too much copper can have a staining effect on hair and skin. I feel that a 2.5 % solution is more than adequate. Anything higher than this would be simply overkill and you would not benefit from the higher concentration of copper peptides anyway. Also when you use higher concentrations of copper peptides topically I find that there is an annoying smell that gets on your hands and scalp. Sort of like the smell you get on your hands when you just got done wrapping pennies for 2 hours. It washes off the hands easily but as soon as you touch your scalp you will again have this smell on your hands. By using a 2.5% solution we eliminate this problem and also avoid any problems with your hair or your scalp turning green.

You can make it a more potent formula if you desire. Just add more copper and protein in the same proprotion. Just be warned of the downside. The solution is alkaline. Too much could result in irritation of your scalp. Furthermore I would not advise applying it at the same time as the Azelaic acid or Zix formulas. They are acidic solutions. If you apply the copper peptides to the scalp at roughly the same time the acidic solutions will break the peptide bonds of the copper peptide solution and render it useless. It would probably render the Zix and Azelaic acid solutions useless as well. When I experimented with copper peptides for a period of two months I used a double super zix solution. (contains exactly twice the amount of Super Zix formula). In the morning after showering I applied the azelaic acid solution and then the double zix formula. Then at night I applied the copper peptides . You could also apply the copper peptides in the morning and the Super Zix and Azelaic Acid solution at night.

Remember the formula is a suspension meaning not all the ingredients will dissolve. They will settle to the bottom. You must shake well and then use immediately so you get enough of a dose of copper peptides. You can make it as potent as you desire. If you feel it is too weak...just double the amounts. The stronger a solution you make however the more problems you will tend to have. The first problem is that your pillow cases gradually turn green. Proceed to make it stronger and you will begin to smell like metal all the time. Proceed to make it stronger and you could end up beginning to stain your hair greenish. So be careful with the dose. I have light brown hair and have used it at 2.5% for 2 months without any apparent staining of my hair. Blond haired people will be the first people to notice a staining effect. The effect will not happen all of a sudden but be gradual. So if you have blond hair and you keep monitoring your hair closely you should be able to avoid any significant problems. If your hair starts to have a faint green appearance then you should stop using your copper peptides to avoid more serious staining problems. The solution we are using (2.5%) seems to have less of a dose than some of the commercial versions therefore I doubt this staining problem will ever develop. I have also learned that many commercial formulas also have a blueish coloring added. This is the reason why the commercial versions often look blue and ou home made formula look greenish.
Prosím tě mohl by jsi my jen ve stručnosti říct jak doma ten copper peptidy vyrobit. Nejsem bohužel angličtinář:(
no tak moc díky!!..já to zkusim taky namíchat...snad ale seženu tu chemii do toho!! taky se pak ozvu jak to dopadlo!!
A jak dlouho se to má nechat uležen bo něco a co skladování a trvanlivost?
Otazka na Nufara, nejako sa mi podarilo zoznať komponenty do self made copper peptid tak by si mohol napisat ako sa aplikuje, este to nemam urobene, ale mam si to dávať na hlavu?pripadne kvapkať ku korienkom? nemam predstavu.. a tiež čo sa dá od toho očakavať? ako dlho použivať a hlavne ako často...Vdaka.
Ok, vdaka za radu, pofotim hlavu z vrchu pred a po a keby boli nejake zaujimave vysledky tak to tu vyvesim, ak s tym raz zacnem predpokladam ze by som nemal prestat, no uvididme o mesiac idem do Anglicka a som zvedavy ci to dostanem do lietadla :) Maj sa
Davas nieco topikalne? Ak ano ake to má výsledky? zatial nechcem ist do finasteridu, niekde si pisal o koreni zihlavy co si nalozil do liehu, dnes som to bol nakopat ale vraj lepsie je to urobit ako tinkturu,Bude to blokovať DHT?
podařilo se někomu sehnat ten Bezvodný Chlorid měďnatý??
Kde se ti podařilo sehnat Bezvodný Chlorid měďnatý????...nemůžu ho vypátrat!!:( Děkuju!!
nevite nekdo jak je to s copper peptidy v revite, v jake jsou koncentraci, tedy zda staci umyti hlavy jednou denne revitou na to, abych ochranil folikuly pred DHT a zabranil tak ztencovani vlasu. Ja myslim ze asi moc ne, proto navic revitu vtiram do vlasu a nechavam ji tam.
Spise by to ale chtelo neco jako Folligen Nutrient Lotion ci Folligen Solution Therapy Spray a zacinam uvazovat ze si vyrobim tenhle home made, berete nekdo neco podobneho?

u nas je k dostani Copper(II) chloride dihydrate pure da se to pouzit jako ten copper chloride anhydrous II (v navodu)?, jeden je ciry druhy bezvody.... chemii fakt nemusim :-)
Už se ti podařilo trikomin vyrobit??
jsem se na to vykaslal, ty komponenty mi tady nikdo neproda, nasel jsem jen 1 misto a tam prodavali jen spesl firmam co delaj do chemikalii...
misto toho jsem si poridil Folligen Spray, a 2 tydny uz aplikuji, k tomu jsem si kopil i Folligen shampoo (ten davam tak max 2 tydne), ten spray 2x denne

dalsi zlepsovacek jsem udelal, ze jsem dal do samponu nove koreni, ma blokovat DHT, a taky jej aplikuji samotny rozprasovacem samotne, jak dojde kafein (doufam ze jo) tak ho smicham asi s nim... to jeste nevim...
Taky se mi nepodařilo ty komponenty sehnat:(..
jak dlouho ti vydží Folligen Spray?

jak víš, že nové koření blokuje dht?..někdo aplikuje třeba chili a nebo caynne pepř...taky by mě zajímalo, jak na to přišli a jesi to spíš nějak nedráždí kůži.....
mj. tady neco pisou (bayberry)

spray jeste nevim, pocitam tak min. 3 max 4 mesice, nedavam toho moc, jinak to na hlave stejne svedi...
jj díky!!

svědí to po aplikaci nebo to nepomáhá?

a co revita ta tě svědění nezbavila??
váhám zda mám revitu přijmout od ppl teď v pondělí (už je na cestě)nebo ji mám objednat od jinud.....asi je to blbost už.....ale celkem mě odradila ta doba a ty příspěvky lidi, kteří tvrdí, že jim po revitě padá více vlasů myslíš??
necekejte od revity ze vsechno vyresi, ja na ni teda moc nespoleham.. Rozhodne me svedeni hlavy zbavilo kazdonneni myti hlavy Neutrogenou, ale svedeni nadobro (klepu na drevo) prestalo co jsem presel na IH rezim a zcela zmenil stravu... jez hodne antiinflam jidel a zaden proinflam jidla, nebo aspon omez... a revitu nebudes potrebovat..
jo jeste druha otazka, je blbost aby ti po samponu vypadavali vlasy... vypadnou ti ty co uz mas tesne pred vypadkem tim ze je vymasirujes, to neni o druhu samponu (ja si tohle myslel o C1, to jsem zacal resit zrovna padani vlasu, ono to zrovna v tu dobu akcelerovalo a odnesla to C1 jako ze za to muze ona :-)
nebo ten sampon musi byt naky sajrajt aby ti znicil vlasy, coz revita neni...
Koupil jsem si to nové koření, ale pořád váham jesi to mám dát na hlavu......nepociťuješ nějaký podráždění??
nedelej z toho kovbojku :-) kdyz by ti to neco delalo spatneho, tak to vysadis ne? nedavej to hned do celeho samponu, nic mi to nedela, dobre se to vstrebava, v pene nic nejde videt ani pak na hlave, pekne se to rozpusti... testuji to teprve chvili...
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Copper peptidy

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