Klonovanie vlasov v Anglicku - Diskuze Více vlasů.cz

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Klonovanie vlasov v Anglicku

Autor Klonovanie vlasov v Anglicku
Uz klonuju vlasy normalne v anglicku. Cital som to uz na madarskej klinike a stoji to cca 4tis libier az 10tis. Odoberu cca 50 folikulov ktore cca do 2-3 tyzdnoch rozmnozia a daju do vlasovej pokozky. Stranka: hairclone.me
Mal to aj uznavany doktor na stranke kliniky robia to bohuzial zatial len v anglicku
Konecne nieco povzbudive!DIKY za info
Pokiaľ som to správne pochopil, tak je to (zatiaľ len ďalšia) spoločnosť, ktorá sa o to pokúša a robí v tejto oblasti výskum.
Niekoľko takýchto výskumov sa už robilo, pokiaľ mi je známe tak žiaden nebol úspešný (najviac sa im podarilo z 1 folikuly naklonovať ďalší 1 až 2 folikuly, a teda finančne by to bolo mimoriadne nákladné).

Keď sa dobre začítaš, nájdeš na ich stránke vetu " we believe that this could be a reality in 2-3 years"...Ale tak snáď konečne !
Hej tak ,robia nejaku proceduru na podporu vlasoveho porastu a vpichuju ho pod kozu ale nieje to klonovanie v pravom slova zmysle
Treba si nastudovat nove clanky o tom viem ze tam bola aj cena pisana uz o4tis libier do 10. Len neviem skopirovat link. Je to na sikos klinika na fb stranke
Tak cital som replicel a dokoncili phasu 1 bezpecnost, ze uz vedia klonovat vlasy a tym padom ich rozmnozit a nasledne streknut pod kozu. Kedy to pride na trh nepisu. Dufam ze coskoro
Vancouver, Canada-based RepliCel is developing an autologous cell therapy to treat patients with baldness due to androgenetic alopecia.

RepliCel announced the completion of its Phase I trial for RCH-01 on March 14, reporting that the trial had met its endpoints, and a five-year data report has established the product’s safety.

The treatment - RCH-01 - is a regeneration procedure which uses patient derived stem cells to rejuvenate and stimulate hair growth.

To begin treatment, healthy hair follicles are extracted from the patient’s scalp. These follicles are then dissected to isolate the dermal sheath cup cells (DSCC) from the hair’s root.

The DSCC are then multiplied in a growth medium, and injected below the patient’s epidermal layer, in the upper dermus of the scalp.

RepliCel said injected cells then detect damaged and dormant hair follicles in order to rejuvenate and further stimulate hair growth.

According to the firm, DSCC can also encourage epidermal cells to assemble, expand and multiply in order to create new hair follicles.

Spokesperson Dwain Schenk told Biopharma-Reporter this technology can be used for a variety of conditions.

“RepliCel is leveraging a patient’s own stem cells to give them more hair, look younger, and fix damaged tendons,” he told us.

“The company’s treatments use autologous cell therapy, which is one of the most rapidly developing areas of regenerative medicine in the development of novel treatments for a myriad of human disorders,” he said.

Next up

RepliCel CEO Lee Buckler said the data from the Phase I trial will inform development of the treatment.

“We have a much greater understanding and opportunity for further insights from the hair density responses recorded in this first-in-human trial.”

“This data will feedback into our R&D programmes and help us develop the best possible product and treatment protocol for men and women suffering from androgenetic alopecia,” he said.

RepliCel’s chief scientific officer Kevin McElwee said future clinical trials will experiment with cell dosage.

“We expect cell number and long-term cell survival to be correlative with hair density efficacy. Next-phase trials will be designed to test repeated injection sessions with smaller cell doses than were used in this study,” he said.

Kto chce nech si to prelozi
Princ Krasoň
Díky za info.
Phase I haha tak to vyjde niekedy 2027-2030
Do tretieho novembra cakajte na velke info
Dufam, ze to budu pozitivne info
Som zvedavy

Phase I haha tak to vyjde niekedy 2027-2030

To je možná ještě optimistický odhad, já myslím, že spíše se něco pravdu účiného objeví někdy v roce 2050. Po pravdě řečeno, kolem vlasů se rozvíjí spousta různých šarlatýnských metod, ale seriózní výzkum vedoucí k nějakému výsledku žádný není.
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Klonovanie vlasov v Anglicku

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